Constantin Brancusi French, born Romania, 1876­1957 Golden Bird 1916 (pedestal c. 1922) Bronze, stone, and wood ht.: 95.9 cm; ht. of base: 121.9 cm Partial gift of the Arts Club of Chicago; restricted gift of various donors; through prior bequest of Arthur Rubloff; through prior restricted gift of William Hartmann; through prior gifts of Mr. and Mrs. Carter H. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold H. Maremont through the Kate Maremont Foundation, Woodruff J. Parker, Mrs. Clive Runnells, Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson, and various donors, 1990.88 © 1995 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris Brancusi’s goal in his sculptures was to represent the “essence,” the inner “real” form, not the outer appearance of his subject, in this case a bird. What is birdlike about this polished bronze form? Does it make you